Psychoeducational Evaluations
Surging demand for cognitive, academic, and behavioral evaluations is overwhelming schools nationwide. Our flexible solutions ease the burden on onsite special education teams by helping them clear backlogs and stay compliant. With a network of licensed remote school psychologists and award-winning technology, we help schools serve more students in need.
Ease workloads
Give onsite psychologists the bandwidth to focus on counseling and building meaningful relationships with students.
Stay in compliance
No more backlogs. With an average of over 13 years of professional experience, our clinicians are ready to step in and handle assessments.
Access personalized support
From evaluation management to IEP meetings, we’ll assess your school’s needs and craft a remote service program to support your goals.
The right assessments for every student, delivered by experts
Woodcock-Johnson Suite®
As a premier provider of the Woodcock-Johnson® assessments, including the Woodcock-Johnson IV® (WJ IV®), we offer digital, standardized evaluations to assess comprehension, visual-spatial thinking, auditory processing, and more.
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children®
We use the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition® (WISC IV®) to measure intellectual abilities, cognitive strengths, and areas of weakness, providing a detailed assessment of student needs.
Explore assessments by name
- Arizona-4: Arizona Articulation Phonology Scale, 4th Edition
- Batería IV ACH: Batería IV Achievement
- Batería IV COG: Batería IV Cognitive
- Beery VMI-6: Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, 6th Edition
- BBCS:E: Bracken Basic Concept Scale: Expressive
- BBCS-4:R™: Bracken Basic Concept Scale: Receptive™, 4th Edition
- BSRA-4™: Bracken School Readiness Assessment, 4th Edition
- CELF®-5: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals®-5
- CELF®-5 Meta: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals®-5 Metalinguistics
- CELF®-5 Reading and Writing Supplement: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals®-5 Reading and Writing Supplement
- CELF®-5 Screener: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals®-5 Screener
- CELF®-P-2-Spanish: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals®-Preschool-2-Spanish
- CELF®-P-3: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals®-Preschool-3
- CELF®-P-3-Screening Test: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals®-Preschool-3-Screening Test
- CELF®-4-Spanish: Clinical Evaluation of Language®-4-Spanish
- *CAS-2™: Cognitive Assessment System™, 2nd Edition
- *CAS-2™: Brief: Cognitive Assessment System™, 2nd Edition: Brief
- CASL-2: Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, 2nd Edition
- *CTONI-2: Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, 2nd Edition
- *CTOPP-2: Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing, 2nd Edition
- *DTVP-3: Developmental Test of Visual Perception, 3rd Edition
- *EFT-E:NU: Executive Functions Test-Elementary Normative Update
- EOWPVT-4: Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-4
- EOWPVT-4-Spanish: Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-4: Spanish-Bilingual Edition
- EVT-3: Expressive Vocabulary Test, 3rd Edition
- ECAD®: Woodcock-Johnson® IV Early Cognitive and Academic Development
- GFTA-3-Spanish: Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation-3-Spanish
- GFTA-3: Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation, 3rd Edition
- *GORT-5: Gray Oral Reading Test-5
- *GSRT: Gray Silent Reading Test
- Jordan Dyslexia Assessment/Reading Program
- KBIT™-2-Revised: Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test™, 2nd Edition, Revised
- KTEA™-3 Brief: Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement™ Brief Form, 3rd Edition
- KTEA™-3: Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement™, 3rd Edition
- KeyMath™-3 Diagnostic Assessment: KeyMath™-3 Diagnostic Assessment
- MVPT-4: Motor-Free Visual Perception Test, 4th Edition
- OWLS-2: Oral and Written Language Scales-II
- OPUS™: Oral Passage Understanding Scale™
- PPVT-5: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, 5th Edition, Forms A and B
- PPA: Phonological and Print Awareness Scale
- *PENS™: Preschool Early Numeracy Screener™
- *PTONI™: Primary Test of Nonverbal Intelligence™
- *RAN/RAS™: Rapid Automatized Naming and Rapid Alternating Stimulus™ Tests
- ROWPVT-4: Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-4
- ROWPVT-4-Spanish: Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-4: Spanish-Bilingual Edition
- TAPS-3-Spanish: Test of Auditory Processing Skills, 3rd Edition-Spanish
- TAPS-4: Test of Auditory Processing Skills, 4th Edition
- *TOLD-I-5: Test of Language Development-Intermediate-5
- *TOLD-P-5: Test of Language Development-Primary-5
- *TOMAL-2: Test of Memory and Learning, 2nd Edition
- *TONI™-4: Test of Nonverbal Intelligence™, 4th Edition
- *TOPL-2: Test of Pragmatic Language, 2nd Edition
- TVPS-4: Test of Visual Perception Skills, 4th Edition
- WAIS®-5: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fifth Edition
- WIAT®-4: Wechsler Individual Achievement Test®, 4th Edition
- WISC®-V-Spanish: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children®-5-Spanish
- WISC®-V: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children®, 5th Edition
- WMLS-III: Woodcock-Munoz Language Survey III
- WMS-IV: Wechsler Memory Scale, 4th Edition
- WJ® IV-OL: Woodcock-Johnson® IV Oral Language
- WJ® IV-COG: Woodcock-Johnson® IV Test of Cognitive Abilities
- WJ® IV ACH: Woodcock-Johnson® IV Tests of Achievement, Forms A and B
Note: Assessments marked with an asterisk (*) are not available for Kanga Private/Agency use.
The assessment list was last updated on October 28, 2024.
Let’s work together to meet your school’s evaluation needs
Learn how our experienced clinicians utilize our award-winning platform to help your school navigate IEPs
Empowering special education teams since 2009
As a trusted partner to PreK-12 schools, we understand the everyday challenges that students, families, and administrators face. By combining our nationwide network of clinicians with an award-winning platform and school-based expertise, we’re the go-to solution for overcoming special education service gaps and serving students in need.
sessions delivered
clinicians in our network
schools supported
“We began seeing immediate schoolwide improvements in the scheduling, administration, and completion of assessment testing. This is just what our students and staff needed to create access for all.”
Director of Special Education
CalPac Charter Schools
Remote evaluations: delivered when you need them, customized for your student's needs
Our platform is designed with students in mind, creating an interactive space for engaging remote evaluations. With the largest library of online assessments at the ready, we deliver the tailored support diverse learners need—when and where they need it.
Our school psychologists conduct robust record reviews and initial student observations. They can also join assessment-related meetings remotely for a comprehensive understanding of each student’s needs.
Assessments are conducted using our interactive online platform and digitized content and stimuli. A document camera is used to observe the student, monitor their desktop, and ensure accurate data collection.
We provide ongoing support by writing and delivering reports, remotely attending eligibility and IEP meetings, and collaborating with your onsite team to provide students the services and interventions they need for success.
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Industry leaders talk: Identifying special needs post-COVID
Join expert panelists for an insightful discussion on effectively distinguishing pandemic-related struggles from learning disabilities. Plus, get innovative strategies for conducting comprehensive psychoeducational evaluations and gain valuable insights on student family perspectives.
Frequently asked questions
What platform do your clinicians use to conduct psychoeducational evaluations?
Our school psychologists use our proprietary platform, designed specifically for teletherapy and remote evaluation. Our platform is HIPAA and FERPA-compliant and includes assessments from top publishers including Pearson®, Pro-Ed®, Riverside Insights®, and more.
What about stimulus books and flip charts?
Stimuli licensed from publishers are digitized by Presence and viewed by the student onscreen. A document camera at the testing site enables the school psychologist to observe both the desktop and the student.
How can you help streamline my school's psychoeducational and academic evaluations?
Evaluations take up a significant amount of your psychologists’ time—time that could be spent counseling students directly. So we offer full-service evaluation management or targeted assistance to simplify the process.
Our clinicians can oversee everything from initial planning and test selection to reporting and recommendations. Or we can divide tasks between our team and yours, with shared access to our therapy management platform, assessment digital library, and templates to reduce duplication of effort.
Our goal is to free up more of your onsite psychologists’ bandwidth to support students while ensuring thorough, compliant evaluations. Let us know where your biggest evaluation bottlenecks are and we can develop an approach to simplify that part of the process.
Can you help me find the right school psychologist for my students?
We specialize in helping schools and districts find school psychologists who are a great fit for their student population and needs.
We’ll take the time to understand your school’s specific requirements, priorities, and student body demographics. Then we’ll match you with clinicians who have the right experience, specializations, and sensitivities to best support your students – whether it’s expertise with culturally and linguistically diverse students, handling complex cases, or other specialties.
What digital assessments does Presence offer?
Presence is the leading provider of remote, psychoeducational evaluations for both monolingual and bilingual students. See all assessments.
Schedule a free consultation
Discover how you can optimize your special education and counseling services by partnering with Presence.
Don’t see what you need? Contact us