Online Speech-Language Therapy and Evaluations for Schools

Engage our network of licensed Speech-Language Pathologists to expand your PreK-12 capacity and serve students with diverse needs across all grade levels.

Are you a clinician interested in opportunities with Presence?

Clinician in his office smiling at his laptop during a teletherapy session


sessions delivered


clinicians in our network


schools supported

Qualified SLPs help you reach more students with ease

Whether you’re struggling with a chronic shortage of clinicians, case overload, short-term leaves, or students with diverse needs, we partner with you to find the right Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) for your students’ needs. Our SLPs can collaborate with students and their school teams on everything from digital documentation to IEP meetings.


Expand your clinical capacity

With 2000+ licensed clinicians in our network, we can find the right SLPs for your students.

Deliver continuous services

Our network of clinicians offers flexible support and on-call coverage to support your staff.

Ensure equity and access for all

Serve students from diverse backgrounds, in school or at home.

Simplify evaluations

Whether managing a full evaluation program or covering backlogs, our SLPs have you covered for all major assessments.

Save time

We handle the work of recruiting, training, and managing SLPs.

Elevate your SLP services

High-quality therapy

Flexibility in time and place

Young girl wearing yellow headphones looking at her laptop.

Interactive and efficient

How can we help?

Our experienced team can help support diverse needs.

Presence Assessments List 2024-2025

Please find our full library of evaluations and assessments in all disciplines listed here alphabetically for your convenience.

Arizona-4: Arizona Articulation Phonology Scale, 4th Edition

Batería IV ACH: Batería IV Achievement

Batería IV COG: Batería IV Cognitive

Beery VMI-6: Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, 6th Edition

BBCS:E: Bracken Basic Concept Scale: Expressive

BBCS-4:R™: Bracken Basic Concept Scale: Receptive™, 4th Edition

BSRA-4™: Bracken School Readiness Assessment, 4th Edition

CELF®-5: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals®-5

CELF®-5 Meta: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals®-5 Metalinguistics

CELF®-5 Reading and Writing Supplement: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals®-5 Reading and Writing Supplement

CELF®-5 Screener: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals®-5 Screener

CELF®-P-2-Spanish: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals®-Preschool-2-Spanish

CELF®-P-3: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals®-Preschool-3

CELF®-P-3-Screening Test: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals®-Preschool-3-Screening Test

CELF®-4-Spanish: Clinical Evaluation of Language®-4-Spanish

*CAS-2™: Cognitive Assessment System™, 2nd Edition

*CAS-2™: Brief: Cognitive Assessment System™, 2nd Edition: Brief

CASL-2: Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, 2nd Edition

*CTONI-2: Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, 2nd Edition

*CTOPP-2: Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing, 2nd Edition

*DTVP-3: Developmental Test of Visual Perception, 3rd Edition

*EFT-E:NU: Executive Functions Test-Elementary Normative Update

EOWPVT-4: Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-4

EOWPVT-4-Spanish: Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-4: Spanish-Bilingual Edition

EVT-3: Expressive Vocabulary Test, 3rd Edition

ECAD®: Woodcock-Johnson® IV Early Cognitive and Academic Development

GFTA-3-Spanish: Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation-3-Spanish

GFTA-3: Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation, 3rd Edition

*GORT-5: Gray Oral Reading Test-5

*GSRT: Gray Silent Reading Test

Jordan Dyslexia Assessment/Reading Program

KBIT™-2-Revised: Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test™, 2nd Edition, Revised

KTEA™-3 Brief: Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement™ Brief Form, 3rd Edition

KTEA™-3: Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement™, 3rd Edition

KeyMath™-3 Diagnostic Assessment: KeyMath™-3 Diagnostic Assessment

MVPT-4: Motor-Free Visual Perception Test, 4th Edition

OWLS-2: Oral and Written Language Scales-II

OPUS™: Oral Passage Understanding Scale™

PPVT-5: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, 5th Edition, Forms A and B

PPA: Phonological and Print Awareness Scale

*PENS™: Preschool Early Numeracy Screener™

*PTONI™: Primary Test of Nonverbal Intelligence™

*RAN/RAS™: Rapid Automatized Naming and Rapid Alternating Stimulus™ Tests

ROWPVT-4: Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-4

ROWPVT-4-Spanish: Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-4: Spanish-Bilingual Edition

TAPS-3-Spanish: Test of Auditory Processing Skills, 3rd Edition-Spanish

TAPS-4: Test of Auditory Processing Skills, 4th Edition

*TOLD-I-5: Test of Language Development-Intermediate-5

*TOLD-P-5: Test of Language Development-Primary-5

*TOMAL-2: Test of Memory and Learning, 2nd Edition

*TONI™-4: Test of Nonverbal Intelligence™, 4th Edition

*TOPL-2: Test of Pragmatic Language, 2nd Edition

TVPS-4: Test of Visual Perception Skills, 4th Edition

WAIS®-5: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fifth Edition

WIAT®-4: Wechsler Individual Achievement Test®, 4th Edition

WISC®-V-Spanish: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children®-5-Spanish

WISC®-V: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children®, 5th Edition

WMLS-III: Woodcock-Munoz Language Survey III

WMS-IV: Wechsler Memory Scale, 4th Edition

WJ® IV-OL: Woodcock-Johnson® IV Oral Language

WJ® IV-COG: Woodcock-Johnson® IV Test of Cognitive Abilities

WJ® IV ACH: Woodcock-Johnson® IV Tests of Achievement, Forms A and B


Note: Assessments marked with an asterisk (*) are not available for Kanga Private/Agency use.
The assessment list was last updated on October 28, 2024.

Speech Sound Disorders

Social Communication Disorders

Spoken Language Disorders


Voice Disorders

Written Language Disorders

Take the first step today.

Expertise makes a difference

Our network of 2,000+ clinicians from across the country is highly qualified, experienced, and eager to collaborate with your team.

Elevate your special education program

Deliver best-in-class therapy and empower your team with the support of our network of experienced clinicians using our modern therapy platform.


Ease caseloads

Engage our network to expand your team’s capacity and improve staff morale and retention. Presence clinicians can provide support with classroom observations, consultations, and even parent and staff meetings.

Clinician listening to her patient and taking notes during a virtual therapy session


Track progress and understand goals

Simplify your workflow with our award-winning technology. Have all the reports you need at your fingertips—no more requesting reports or chasing down the right person or therapist. A Presence partnership means your data is organized and accessible in our easy-to-use, digital dashboard.

Therapist working on lesson plans in his home office
Clinician leading a therapy session from her office on her laptop wearing earphones

Easing caseloads in Oregon


As the largest district in southern Oregon, Medford School District serves 12,727 students at 21 schools. Because of their remote location, Medford found it difficult to find Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs). They decided to investigate a new way to help provide speech-language therapy for their special needs students.

Let’s start with a conversation

How can we help you? Connect with a Presence Partnership Director today to learn more about our SLP services.