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Therapy Services

Online Mental Health Counseling and Behavior Intervention Supports

We offer a range of solutions to help you meet the needs of your students at this critical moment.

Are you a clinician interested in opportunities with Presence? Join our clinical network 

Clinician leading a therapy session from her office on her laptop wearing earphones

15.1 %

of children aged 12 to 17 years old reported a major depressive episode (CDC)

15.7 %

of children aged 12 to 17 years old made a suicide plan (CDC)

4.1 %

of children aged 12 to 17 years old had a substance abuse disorder (CDC)

Supporting student mental health and social wellness through online mental health counseling

The mental health crisis in America has become more urgent than ever. Partner with Presence to meet the rising demand for online mental health counseling and behavior interventions. Our modern teletherapy platform and network of certified mental health professionals offer a flexible, effective, and accessible way to address your needs.

Clinician meeting with a student with a notebook and pen in her lap

Presence can help you navigate uncertain times.

Online Mental Health Therapy Resources for Your Counseling Staff

Be there for students across locations when they need help by leveraging our platform for remote or in-person therapy sessions, tools for assessing student needs, and curriculum for social wellness, coping skills, anxiety management and more.

Clinician building a lesson plan on her laptop in her office

Online Mental Health Counseling Professional Services

Leverage the Presence network of certified, school psychologists, licensed clinical social workers and professional counselors who specialize in work with K-12 children. Available for hourly usage or more coverage.

High School students in a computer lab working on group projects

Online Mental Health Therapy Services

We support a multi-tiered system for all students, including those with disabilities and those facing challenges such as anxiety, anger-management, bullying, or family changes. We partner with your team to ensure that you’re well-equipped to care for students, so each child can grow and thrive to their fullest potential.

Take the first step today.

Get a free consultation

Expertise makes a difference

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Our licensed clinicians are highly qualified, experienced at providing counseling in a school setting, and eager to collaborate with your team.

  • Nationally Certified School Psychologists (NCSPs)
  • Licensed Professional Counselors (LPCs)
  • Licensed Mental Health Workers (LMHWs)
  • Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs)
Learning coach for a virtual student
I am pleased with the progress you have made with my student. Since he has started with you, he has made two new friends, participated in multiple sleepovers and is doing a great job with communicating. This is the most social progress he has ever made and he has been in social skills therapy since he was 6.

Learning coach for a virtual student

Special Education Administrator
I was observing the social skills class and it was amazing! The kids are loving it! They are totally engaged. It is awesome to see...I seriously want to cry watching some of these kids having fun and doing amazing things that we never would have expected in September.

Special Education Administrator

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Equip your teams with onsite tools to excel

Get the support you need by partnering with Presence. With Presence’s modern therapy platform, Kanga, your own school psychologists and counselors can serve students wherever they are—in school or at home.

Access Interactive Content

Engage your students with thousands of digital resources, so you can spend less time prepping and more time delivering services.

Therapist meeting with a patient in a virtual session from his home office

Centralize Student Information

Keep track of all your student information in one central place. Take session notes, track progress, and understand goals in one accessible, easy-to-use, digital platform.

Clinician sitting at her desk thinking about her most recent therapy session

Deliver Services with Ease

Leverage best-in-class technology that is designed for clinicians, by clinicians. Take advantage of an interactive whiteboard, rewards, games, clinical controls and more in Kanga.

Deliver Services with Ease
woman and child holding hands walk towards school building

New Reality: Serving Special Needs Students Virtually in Virginia

Page County Public Schools in rural Virginia includes nine schools that serve a total of 3,200 to 3,300 students. Of those students, about 420 have been identified as having special needs, including behavioral mental health needs.

Read the success story
exterior of school building

Reducing backlog in California

Pleasanton Unified School District is located in Pleasanton, California in the Bay Area and serves 14,500 students. About 9.5% of the student population is eligible for special education.

Read the success story
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Resources and insights to support your success.

mother giving young young daughter a high-five during online lesson


5 Steps for Creating a Holistic Mental Health Program.

Download the eBook



A comprehensive solution for your mental health teams.

Download the Datasheet



5 Must-dos to Launch Your School Mental Health Program

Download the Infographic

Let’s start with a conversation

How can we help you? Connect with a Presence Partnership Director today to learn more about our mental health counseling and behavior interventions and supports.

Looking for something else?

Discover all the ways Presence can support you.