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Q&A With Dr. Alan Coulter

, Primary Category: SPEDAhead Webinars

Our November webinar “Prepare for Impact: 3 Key Questions About RDA for Every SPED Administrator” with Dr. Alan Coulter provoked many questions from educators, district leaders and related services professionals on results-driven accountabiltiy and what districts can do to prepare for it.

Click the questions below to jump to Dr. Coulter’s answers:

  1. How do I find out what is happening in my state and what resources are available to assist us in improving achievement results, graduations rates and dropout rates?

  2. As expectations increase, there is significant pressure on student with severe learning disabilities and others to achieve. How can we assist these students when they are struggling everyday just to keep up with their peers?

  3. What role does the general education teacher have in the RDA process when our students are in full inclusion? How does RDA affect general education teachers differently than the IEP process?

  4. Do you think that our current IEP system and student information systems are up to the challenge of facilitating new types of discussions?

  5. Please compare and contrast RDA and RTI. Is it a bigger challenge to implement RDA than RTI?

  6. How can local directors identify quality strategies and programs that help reduce the achievement gap?

  7. How does RDA impact related service professionals like SLP, OTs, school psychologists, and so on?

  8. How can districts use RDA concepts to improve student learning?

Dr. Alan Coulter is an expert in special education accountability, and has worked at the federal, state, and local level on accountability issues for over twenty-five years. He has served on the President’s Commission on Excellence in Special Education, and is currently the Director of Education Initiatives and an Associate Professor at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences and Human Development Center. Alan is also the director of the TIERS Group (Teams Intervening Early to Reach all Students). TIERS consults with state DOEs and district administrators on the quality and use of special education data. Alan is a key participant in the national discussion regarding Results Driven Accountability and focused monitoring. His scholarly work and research is widely published in academic journals.

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