April is World Autism Month, dedicated to increasing awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Society, the nation’s leading grassroots autism organization, launched the observance month to “promote autism awareness, inclusion and self-determination for all, and assure that each person with ASD is provided the opportunity to achieve the highest possible quality of life.” The theme for their April 2020 campaign is #CelebrateDifferences.
Autism Speaks, an advocacy organization founded in 2005, “is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families.” To support World Autism Month this year, Autism Speaks has launched the Kindness Campaign—“an initiative that invites people around the globe to create a kinder, more inclusive world for people with autism.”
PresenceLearning will be featuring a special series of Spotlights during April with speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists in the PL Care Network. The PL providers will be busting some myths, sharing their teletherapy stories, and offering best practices for serving students with autism via teletherapy. We’ll post the Spotlights on our blog and in our social media channels (@presencelearn and Facebook).
How can you participate?
Be informed. You’ll find excellent resources at the Autism Society’s Autism Awareness Month website—including infographics to share. And you’ll find the Autism Society’s resources on Coronavirus with several toolkits organized by topic.
Show your support. Use the hashtags #CelebrateDifferences, #KindnessCounts, and #WorldAutismMonth when you post anything relevant on social media in April.
Get involved: Consider participating in the Autism Speaks Kindness Quest—a weekly kindness activity to “make 2020 the year of kindness and help create a kinder, more inclusive world…” Share Autism Society’s COVID-19 resources for the autism community with family, friends, and educators.
Learn more about how the autistic brain works: PresenceLearning hosted a webinar with leading autism expert Dr. Temple Grandin to give special educators and administrators a deeper understanding of neurodiversity and how they can help students reach their fullest potential. You can watch a recording of the webinar here, read a summary of the webinar’s Q&A portion here, and download a free ebook, “5 Tips for Working with Children with Autism,” here.
Do you have any plans to celebrate Autism Awareness Month? Tell us about it in the comment section.