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An Inside Look At How Teletherapy Works With PL

This month we spoke with Kristin Martinez, M.A., CCC-SLP, Head of Clinical Standards and Outreach with PresenceLearning, to discuss how therapy happens online within the PresenceLearning platform. She focuses on the key features available for providers in the PL Care Network.

Can you tell us how providers utilize online therapy materials and share ideas among the PresenceLearning community?

Providers in the PL Care Network can upload any scanned materials for personal use in their individual therapy rooms. They can organize their materials into queues within the therapy room in whatever manner makes the most sense for their planning. In addition to uploaded materials (e.g., worksheets, game boards, books), providers have access to all the supplemental and interactive tools developed by the PresenceLearning product team, including whiteboard tools, animated rewards, interactive and customizable memory and flash card p-5 bg-lightest mb-3s. Providers also have the ability to upload videos and to use PresenceLearning’s SiteShare tool to bring in some web-based activities.

In addition to customizable therapy rooms, providers also have access to the greatest resource, their fellow PresenceLearning clinicians! PresenceLearning offers a provider community forum called the Lounge, where PL Care Network providers can interact, ask questions, and post ideas. For example, in the Bright group in the Lounge, providers share some of their best therapy ideas using the activities and tools available in the PresenceLearning platform. Everyone in the PresenceLearning Care Network has the opportunity to learn from the expertise and creativity of a community of hundreds of SLPs, OTs, and behavior and mental health specialists!

How can providers in the PL Network incorporate interactive activities into their therapy sessions to keep kids engaged?

There are so many ways to keep students engaged when providing therapy through the PresenceLearning platform! Providers can upload videos for use either as therapy tools (there are some amazing social skills videos on YouTube!), or as quick rewards. The PresenceLearning platform also offers whiteboard tools that easily make any static activity, such as a worksheet, interactive. Expanding upon content already present in the platform, SiteShare allows many kid-safe websites to be shared during therapy sessions. And finally, PresenceLearning’s talented and creative Product team has created interactive games such as memory and flash card p-5 bg-lightest mb-3s, both of which are completely customizable to fit the age, interest, and goal area of each student.

How do you ensure that students stay on task?

While the PresenceLearning platform is highly engaging, there will always be some students who are a bit more distractible, particularly if they are waiting for someone else to take a turn! We have a couple of tools that can help with this. First, providers have the ability to turn the student’s mouse on and off as needed, so if clicking is just too tempting for your student, it’s easy to control! Another great feature let’s providers manage students’ video feeds. Some students can be distracted by their own video window, while other students might become self-conscious seeing themselves on video. In either case, the provider can control the video feed to ensure it is a useful tool rather than a distraction.

If you’re considering making a transition to telepractice and are interested in joining the PL Care Network as an independent contractor, please fill out an application today!

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