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6 Tips for Working Online

Working from home as a school-based online SLP, OT, or mental health professional has many benefits as well as its own unique challenges. According to a recent survey of PresenceLearning clinicians, working from home and setting one’s own schedule were some of the top reasons for making a career shift to teletherapy. Once clinicians begin their online practice, reasons for liking teletherapy shift to being able to serve kids who might not otherwise have access to quality care, using the PresenceLearning online therapy platform, and the sense of community and support that comes from being part of the PresenceLearning network.

In a recent post, CCC-SLP and Senior Clinical Consultant Karin H. Koukeyan presented tips for setting up an organized and distraction-free workspace in the home. Now we share additional tips for being successful in teletherapy from Gila Cohen-Shaw, who has provided speech services through PresenceLearning for a number of years.

  1. Create an online circle of support. Your Provider Onboarding Specialist, Mentor, Lead Clinician, and Senior Clinical Consultant are all available to help you be your most successful.
  2. Connect with respected colleagues. Our online community and regional meetups are a great way to meet other clinicians for advice, ideas, support, and fun.
  3. Schedule team meetings. Find time to regularly connect with the onsite and other online clinicians for each of your school districts.
  4. Check in weekly with teachers and learning coaches. It is important to share concerns and to ensure you are able to incorporate the curriculum into your sessions.
  5. Communicate with schools, students, and parents via any allowable means of communication. Text, phone, email, and your PresenceLearning therapy room should all be used to address questions and concerns.
  6. Be available and involved, and request to be a part of any Special Education meetings and meetings among your onsite school counterparts. Try to be available during teacher prep time, and participate in meetings via your therapy room so school staff and see you and better get to know you.
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