Are you able to easily answer parents’ questions about their child’s progress toward IEP goals? Do you know why a student missed a therapy session? Do you know how many IEP meetings are overdue, and for whom? Can you report, without a lot of deep digging, how many of your students are making good progress, and how many aren’t? Do you have the facts at your fingertips that allow you to make decisions about your special education program and adjust?
You can answer all of these questions by having a solid grasp on three key metrics:
- Student Progress. Know how many of your students receiving services are progressing toward their goals across a school or a district. How many have achieved their goals? How many are making good progress? What about some progress? For whom do you need more information?
- IEP Time Balance. Are your students on track or are some missing too much therapy time to complete their goals by the end of the year?
- IEP Meeting Delivery. Are IEP meetings taking place on time? Are they scheduled? Overdue?
SPEDinsight Dashboard Showing Sample Data
The SPEDinsight administrator’s dashboard brings this high degree of at-a-glance insight to service delivery for districts using PresenceLearning for online speech, occupational therapy and counseling services.
As Dustine Borges, Director of Special Education and Chief Psychologist of Fowler Unified School District near Fresno, California, said, “I now can make better decisions and communicate much more effectively with my staff and students’ parents. If a question comes up, I have instant access to answers. PresenceLearning’s SPEDinsight dashboard provides me with an unprecedented degree of transparency and accountability regarding the progress of our special education students receiving clinical services. There’s nothing else like it.”