5 Must-dos to Launch Your School Mental Health Program

October 7, 2022


Amid the mental health crisis in the U.S. today, we are in desperate need of licensed mental health providers and services—especially to serve our youth.¹ In fact, the American School Counselor Association recommends one school counselor for every 250 students, yet only 14% of schools met the ratio.² Research reveals children’s mental health and social wellness are deeply underserved areas of support—and even more so since the pandemic. When students struggle with mental health challenges, their complete access to and participation in learning³ can be compromised. Misunderstanding these challenges within an academic environment may lead to behaviors that are not aligned with school or program expectations.⁴

Offering an effective mental health program within schools that includes offering online mental health services helps provide the support children and teens need, so they can function with resilience in their everyday lives. Many educators, clinicians, and administrators are discovering how an effective holistic school-based mental health program can address and manage the challenges of ongoing student mental health needs. Equipping all adults involved with the tools for building such a program can address student mental health challenges and unhealthy behaviors and promote social wellness for all students.



So, what’s the first step a school should take? A smart place to start is here with Presence! To understand the must-dos needed to launch your school’s mental wellness team, services, and program, download our helpful infographic, 5 Must-dos to Launch Your School Mental Health Program, and get started. Using this convenient visual guide as a tool, educators and providers can begin to establish the framework needed to launch a holistic behavioral and mental health program in any school or district.

For more guidance on funding and mental health, watch our informative on-demand webinar, Are All the Students Well? Optimize Funding for School Mental Health Programs. Watch Now.

Source Citations

  1. Online Source
  2. Prothero, A., Ryer-Kositski, M., EdWeek, School counselors and psychologists remain scarce as needs rise, March 2022.
  3. Online Source
  4. Online Source

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