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Presence Releases New White Paper about Equivalence of Psychoeducational Assessments Administered Online and Onsite

, Primary Category: Press Releases

SAN FRANCISCO, November 21, 2016 – Making sure students are evaluated is a major responsibility for school districts, and is a key milestone in getting students the special education services they need. Chronic national shortages and other obstacles—including seasonal spikes in student evaluation referrals—can greatly slow the process. In an effort to deliver psychoeducational assessments to students in a more timely manner, PresenceLearning—the leading provider of live, online special education related services—conducted an equivalency study to understand the outcomes of online delivery of the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) Woodcock-Johnson® IV (WJ IV) Cognitive and Achievement batteries.

PresenceLearning Clinical Innovations Manager, Stephanie Taylor, Ed.S., NCSP, recently published a white paper entitled, “New, Online Psychoeducational Assessments Facilitate Timely Evaluation & Placement of K-12 Students with Exceptionalities” to brief special education administrators about online psychoeducational assessments and the effectiveness of this delivery model. To download the free white paper, visit:

The white paper provides an overview of why school districts struggle to keep up with the volume of psychoeducational assessments required, and how this scenario affects practitioners, students, and school districts as a whole. The paper goes on to document how online psychoeducational assessments are conducted and describes in detail why they can benefit practitioners, students, and districts. Finally, the white paper summarizes the research methods behind—and the results of—PresenceLearning’s WJ IV equivalency study with HMH, and explains what the results mean for the future of online psychoeducational assessments.

To learn more about PresenceLearning’s online psychoeducational assessments, watch this video explaining how it works. Schools can request more information here, or by emailing

About PresenceLearning

PresenceLearning ( is the leader in the delivery of clinical services to schools via telehealth. PresenceLearning has provided over one million sessions of live, online speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, behavioral interventions and mental health services, diagnostic services and assessments, and early childhood services for children with special needs.


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