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Final SPEDexpectations Webinar Unpacks “Results-Driven Accountability” and What It Means for Special Education Leaders

, Primary Category: Press Releases
Dr. W. Alan Coulter

SAN FRANCISCO, October 29, 2014 –With the announcement of its Results-Driven Accountability (RDA) initiative, the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) is now evaluating states based on both their procedural compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as well as levels of achievement for students with exceptional needs. To help educators and administrators understand how this will affect their districts, PresenceLearning is hosting a free webinar with special education expert Dr. W. Alan Coulter on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at 10 AM Pacific time (1 PM Eastern time). This free webinar, “Prepare for Impact: 3 Key Questions About RDA for Every SPED Administrator,” is the final webinar in PresenceLearning’s SPEDexpectations fall/winter webinar series.

To sign up for the webinar, visit:
States that used to be seen as IDEA-compliant may have to make adjustments after OSEP has deemed they need assistance or intervention in order to increase student achievement. Because RDA compliance is at the state level, many individual districts will be impacted as states implement best practices for increasing student outcomes.

After joining this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand OSEP’s RDA from a local district perspective
  • Discuss the implications of RDA for school administrators
  • Identify ways states can increase student outcomes and their compliance rating

About the SPEDexpectations

To give special education administrators access to expert advice and best practices, PresenceLearning created the SPEDexpectations fall webinar series. Along with Dr. Coulter, this three-part series featured special education expert Julie Weatherly, Esq. who discussed how districts can avoid due process issues, and psychological expert Dr. Prizant who covered the importance of family and educator collaboration in special education.

Since 2009, PresenceLearning’s online speech therapy services have provided schools with a practical, affordable new option for service delivery: web-based access to a nationwide network of live, highly qualified, fully licensed speech-language pathologists who are available whenever and wherever they are needed. This past year, PresenceLearning added occupational therapy (OT) and online assessments for both speech and OT to their service offering. By partnering with PresenceLearning, school districts can fill staffing gaps related to acute and chronic SLP and OT shortages, reduce high caseloads for onsite personnel, reduce their backlog of assessments, improve student outcomes and become more efficient. PresenceLearning also offers access to technical specialists, as well as culturally and linguistically diverse speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists.

PresenceLearning has delivered nearly half a million live online therapy sessions to students in public school districts, charter schools and virtual schools of all sizes nationwide.

About Dr. Alan Coulter

W. Alan Coulter, PhD., is currently the Principal Lead for the TIERS Group, and Senior Manager at the Human Development Center (HDC). Alan’s role in the TIERS Group is in the design of Data Use concepts and applications at national, state, and local levels. He has been involved in training and implementation of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) for more than thirty years. Alan has served on the President’s Commission on Excellence in Special Education and was a member of the National IDEA Monitoring Stakeholders Group. He has worked directly on accountability efforts in more than twenty states and was the Director for the National Center for Special Education Accountability Monitoring (NCSEAM) and the Co-Director of the national Data Accountability Center (DAC). Alan is the recipient of Child Advocacy Award from the National Association of School Psychologists, a past president of the National Association of School Psychologists, and past director of the school psychology division of the Texas Psychological Association. Alan has provided continuing professional development in more than 47 states and is currently licensed as a psychologist in Louisiana.

About PresenceLearning

PresenceLearning ( is the leading telehealth network of providers of clinical services and assessments to educational organizations. The PresenceLearning care network has provided over one million sessions of live, online speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, behavioral interventions and mental health services, diagnostic services and assessments, and early childhood services for children with special needs.


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