Results Driven Accountability: Where Were We? Where Are We? Where Do We Go Next?

September 30, 2015
Topics in Special Education

The Results Driven Accountability (RDA) initiative from OSEP has unfolded over the past several years. Now it’s time to take stock of the past, present, and future of this important new chapter in the history of special education in America. With RDA, the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) catalyzed a nationwide shift from a focus centered on procedural compliance in special education to a focus on closing persistent gaps in student achievement and graduation rates. Now, Dr. Alan Coulter, the leading RDA expert, will bring us up to date with how different states are tackling their achievement gaps and the potential effects on school districts. Join a nationwide audience as we kick off our fall 2016 “Results Matter” series with this important webinar that looks at OSEP’s RDA from a local district’s perspective, discusses the implications for school administrators, and offers expert guidance on how to prepare for the future.

Please note: Certificates of attendance and/or continuing education opportunities are not available for on-demand webinars. Any references in the videos only apply to the live webinars attendees.


Don’t miss this insightful conversation about fair and supportive learning environments. Together, we can ensure every student has the chance to succeed.


Dr. Alan Coulter
Associate Professor, Louisiana State University Health Sciences and Human Development Center
Clay Whitehead
Co-Founder, Presence

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