New Insights for Building Disability Pride and Empowering Students with Hidden Disabilities

March 30, 2013
Topics in Special Education

Learn to see the invisible: gain insight about our growing population of students with hidden disabilities and how general and special educators can destigmatize them in order to improve student engagement and achievement. Two experts on hidden disabilities will inspire you with their stories and share evidence-based practices and case studies. You will realize the importance of a positive disability identity for those with hidden impairments. You will discover new ideas for helping connect students to positive role models, build on their assets, and advocate for the services they are guaranteed. This webinar will surprise you with big ideas to successfully help students with special needs succeed and transition to 21st century college and careers.

Dr. Margo Izzo is Program Director for The Ohio State University Nisonger Center where she conducts research on evidence-based practices that increase achievement and postsecondary outcomes of students with disabilities and at-risk populations. She has developed curricula, products and services that increase the effectiveness of secondary and adult service providers to enhance career development, self-determination and employment outcomes of at-risk students. Margo has a Ph.D. in Special Education, Rehabilitation and Research from The Ohio State University and Master of Arts from George Washington University. She is past president of the Division of Career Development and Transition within the Council for Exceptional Children.
LeDerick Horne is a poet, motivational speaker and advocate for people with disabilities. He is a popular speaker at meetings of academic, government, social, and business groups, with past appearances at the White House, the United Nations, Harvard University, the National Association of State Directors of Special Education, many state Departments of Education. He inspires audiences about the challenges of all disabilities and promotes ways to unite the efforts of diverse groups in order to achieve substantive, systemic change. He serves on the board of Eye to Eye, a mentoring organization for students with learning disabilities and is a member of the steering committee for the IRIS Center for Training Enhancements at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College and Senior Consultant for The Center for School Climate and Learning.

Please note: Certificates of attendance and/or continuing education opportunities are not available for on-demand webinars. Any references in the videos only apply to the live webinars attendees.


Don’t miss this insightful conversation about fair and supportive learning environments. Together, we can ensure every student has the chance to succeed.


LeDerick Horne and Dr. Margo Izzo
Clay Whitehead
Co-Founder, Presence

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