There’s a world where every child’s unique learning needs are understood and celebrated. A world where identifying those needs is fast, efficient, and accurate. This isn’t a dream—it’s the future of education, and it’s here now.
Listen in as innovators at the forefront of education dive into the power of digital and remote assessments and the benefit to students, schools, and clinicians. Learn how solutions like the new Woodcock-Johnson® V (WJ V™) and Kanga by Presence are breaking down barriers, streamlining the referral process, and empowering educators to make data-driven decisions that truly make a difference.
Hear how innovation is driving change and creating exciting new opportunities:
Innovations in technology can unlock the full potential of every learner. It’s time to build a brighter future, one student at a time.
Presented by Presence in partnership with ASU+GSV.
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