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Seeking Your Dream Therapist Job? Learn to Ask the Right Questions

speech therapist at desk looking for job

Oftentimes your therapist job interview will end with an opportunity for you to ask a few of your questions. Aside from the benefit it provides, failure to do so may be misinterpreted as either disinterest or a lack of preparation. That’s why it is essential to have a few questions ready. Since some of those questions may have already been answered in the course of the interview, you have others prepared as well.

It’s important to understand that the therapist job interview isn’t limited to the employer determining if the candidate is the right fit for the position, but is also the opportunity for the candidate to find out if the position is the right one for the candidate as well.

Before the interview concludes the interviewer will ask the inevitable question: “Do you have any questions that you would like to ask me?”

Grab the opportunity. Asking questions shows that you are interested in discovering more about the position, and can help decide whether or not the job is for you. What’s more, asking good questions leaves the interviewer with a positive impression.

Here are some suggestions:

The Current Role

You must find out as much as possible about your prospective role and responsibilities. More often than not, the job description doesn’t paint a complete picture of the daily routine. These questions can help to clarify what will be expected of you:

  1. What are you looking for in the therapist who will assume this role? Because you want to inquire about the most important trait or traits the employer expects from the person who takes this position, you want to know such things as: How important are good time management, punctuality, perseverance, and an outgoing personality? Asking these questions provides a wonderful opportunity to highlight how your qualities make you an excellent fit for this position.
  2. Are there any particular skills, methodologies, or experience that are necessary to succeed in this therapist position? Just like the previous question, posing this question helps to clarify what the employer is looking for. It also helps you gauge whether or not you would be a good candidate for the position.
  3. Can you give me a sense of the company’s culture? This question indicates to the interviewer that you are looking to be an engaging employee. This is your opportunity to determine if you will enjoy working with this company.

Growth Options

Even if you aren’t all that excited about the current position, perhaps there is something better down the road. A part-time therapy gig may turn into a full-time, lifelong career down the road. So, you want to know:

  1. If you are so inclined, is there room for growth? You want to assure that you won’t remain stuck in a dead-end job. You may be interested in a position that will afford you upward mobility as you develop new skills and gain experience. Ask about how much you must invest in this job before you will see tangible growth and change.
  2. How often will there be performance reviews? For most employees, performance reviews are the key to growth. That’s because many people don’t realize they are under-performing until it is pointed out to them. Alternatively, a good performance review will often be followed by an opportunity for a salary increase.
  3. Is continued training or education offered through the position? What you are interested in is training and education that will empower you with those skills that will enable you to become a better and more effective therapist. These new skills may be your ticket for advancement within the company, and serve you well should you choose to pursue employment elsewhere at some point.

The Final Steps

As the interview draws to a close, leave a good impression by finishing off with some strong questions:

  1. From what you have seen, do you have any questions about my ability to fulfill the position that I am seeking? Aside from displaying confidence, this may soothe any lingering doubts the interviewer may have about your performance. At the very worst, you may be provided with constructive feedback about your abilities.
  2. When should I expect to hear back from you? People don’t want to be kept waiting in the dark regarding whether or not they have landed the position. Since most of the time employers answer within a week, no answer by this time is typically an indication that you are no longer being considered.
  3. Your final question should be, “What is the next step in the hiring process?” The answer may give you a clue as to whether other candidates are under consideration. Also, this question shows the interviewer that you are interested in pursuing the position and are willing to take the next step. Either way, if you are interested in the position, you want to leave the interviewer with that impression.
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