Individual Service Agreements for California School Districts

What is an Individual Service Agreement?

An Individual Service Agreement (ISA) is a required contract addendum that must be in place for each student receiving special education and related services. According to the California Department of Education (CDE), the ISA is similar to the prescription specified by the student’s IEP; it specifies the rate, type and/or duration of services provided to each student.

The CDE requires all Districts and Local Education Agencies to have an ISA for each student receiving related services from a certified Non-Public Agency (Please see Education Code section 56366(a)(2)(A)).


What if I don’t currently have ISAs?

If you do not currently have ISAs in place for your students, please complete an ISA for each one. You can use the sample template below if you do not have one for your district already.

How do I submit ISAs to PresenceLearning?

Please send completed and signed ISAs to PresenceLearning through one of the following secure methods. One ISA is required per student.

Additionally, please make sure to clearly label each individual ISA file with the school and student name (example: JFK_School District_John Doe_ISA.pdf)


How to fill out the ISA form template:

Under contract terms, section A titled “Basic Education Program” applies only if you are receiving services from a non-public school. PresenceLearning provides services to you as a non-public agency, so you are not required to fill out this section and can leave it blank.

Under contract terms, section B titled “Related Services,” please fill out the service line and costs associated with the student as follows:

  • Select NPS/A as the “Service Provider” for the appropriate services
  • Fill out all columns for the various service rows
  • Use the contracted rate with PresenceLearning for the “Cost Per Session”
  • Complete the required calculations


Click on the button below to see a sample ISA Form. The required fields have been highlighted yellow to indicate which fields you must complete.

Who can I talk to with questions and concerns?

If you have questions about the ISA requirement, please contact the Head of the CDE’s NPA/NPS unit, Tina Tranzor (, copying Director of CDE’s Special Education Division, Kristen Wright (